#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# process:baidutiebaspider
# version:1.0
# author:xm
# date:2013-05-14
# languange:Python 2.7
# operation:input address with page berak,remove the last numbers,set the begin page and end page
# function:download the range page and stored to html
import string, urllib2
def baidu_tieba(url,begin_page,end_page):
for i in range(begin_page, end_page+1):
sName = string.zfill(i,5) + '.html' #自动填充成六位的文件名
print 'downloading the' + str(i) + 'page,and store it with ' + sName + '......'
f = open(sName,'w+')
m = urllib2.urlopen(url + str(i)).read()
#-------- 在这里输入参数 ------------------
# 这个是山东大学的百度贴吧中某一个帖子的地址
#bdurl = 'http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2296017831?pn='
#iPostBegin = 1
#iPostEnd = 10
bdurl = str(raw_input('please input valid address\n')) #合法的地址是去掉pn=后面的内容
begin_page = int(raw_input('input the begin page\n'))
end_page = int(raw_input('input the end page \n'))
#-------- 在这里输入参数 ------------------